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What is Conscious Parenting?

Conscious Parenting is possibly the greatest invitation parents will ever receive. It invites parents to connect with their children on a deeper level, by first connecting with their own self on a deeper level.


Parenting is challenging, to say the least. And we often erroneously believe that our children are the ones causing all the challenges. "If only they would..."


Conscious Parenting helps us to uncover that these obstacles are actually just a result of our own lifelong patterns, beliefs and misconceptions and that we are actually contributing to the creation of the behaviors we want eliminated! When we begin to observe and dismantle these out of date structures that have gone unchecked and often wreaked havoc in our most precious relationships, we naturally start to see ourselves and our children in a whole new light. It is then that we can begin to create relationships with our children that lifts them up and establishes meaningful connection for both parent and child. 


Our children are leading us on a path to our own greatest potential, if we will only follow. 

A blurred image of colorful confetti on the floor, against turquoise background, some still falling

"I came to Dina at a key crossroads in my life with some serious issues that most coaches would probably consider beyond them. From day one, I felt I was in good hands with Dina. She is intuitive, empathetic and adaptable; she knows when to challenge, when to listen and even when to share a much-needed laugh at the absurdity of life." - Jessica G.

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